Variety of Concerts

There are so many types of concerts, but there is one thing which is similar in all that is live performance in front of the audience. The word concert is directly related to music. Whenever we will think about concert, music will automatically strikes in our mind.

Concert can be of classical music, jazz music or contemporary music too. It is your choice what type of concerts you would like to attend. It may also possible that the concert is organized by complete band or orchestra or it can also be possible that a single musician is holding the whole concert. Concerts are also called as “shows’ and for most of the non-classical performances like punk, jazz, hip-hop or rock, a more commonly name used is “gig”. A gig or concert can be placed at different places. It can be arranged in huge auditoriums like Stockholm’s The Ice Stadium, or Tokyo’s Big Egg. It may also possible that the venue of the concert is just a club, theater, club or barn.

Usually, a ticket will be charged from you if you want to attend a gig but some times it can be free of cost. Many orchestras or bands use to go to various countries. During the concerts, the performers have the opportunity to give a performance in front of live audience. It really builds up confidence to perform. With the help of concerts, new artists can be promoted to the music world and increases the number of fans of a newly introduced artist. If fans really like your music then they will definitely want to attend more and more concerts of your band. Most of the tours are conducted to increase the sales of the album. Some performs like to give live performances but others don’t like to do so. It varies person to person.

Some bands that are able to pull huge audience come with some special effects like lights, elaborate props, film shown on the screen, inflatable, smoke, lasers, pyrotechnics and many more. All these things help in increasing the spectacle and the excitement. The Rolling Stones, a band famous for going for tours uses inflatable fantastically on Voodoo Lounge Tour. Some other performers such as do crowd surfing, the spectators and Iggy Pop sing and dance at the same time of their performance. There is a solo drum in all rock concerts and this drum is the highlight of the concert.

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